Get ready for a simply intriguing timeout that sets a higher level at truly relaxing and new therapy experiences. I should know. I raised the bar and created this sweet combo of a deluxe massage and a little virtual trip or beautiful meditation. Some folks just drift in and out of consciousness while others get a therapeutic nap. You each switch spots after each service. Add a little extra time just in case you have plans afterwards. We take our time here.
90 min. of Therapy Each
2 out of this world services for both of you targeting each of your specific needs and areas of tension. Each indulging with 45 minutes of ahhhh stones, aromatherapy, deep tissue if needed, and reflexology focused on the back, neck, arms, and scalp. Meanwhile your partner is enjoying our groovy meditation room for 45 minutes warmed to the core on our gemstone mat immersed in so many beneficial healing modalities all at once.
2 hours of Therapy Each
Let's get lucid. Inspired by the Lady's Lucidity gone Journeying for 2.... time for each of you to indulge in an hour of the deluxe massage with stones, aromatherapy, deep tissue if needed, and reflexology while your partner enjoys the groovy meditation room for an hour with all their senses immersed in so many beneficial healing modalities all at once. You both deserve a few hours away. Bonus, we've got time for some contrast therapy too for each of you with this package.